Friday, September 22, 2006


Zoho : Online word processor

Online Word Processor - Zoho Writer

I was on the lookout for an online word processor as I am collaborating with my brother who is in India on a private project that we are working on. I thought Google had one but later realised that they only had a spreadsheet application. Today I came across this little application and want to give it a test drive. Anyone else know about another online wordprocessor application ?


Web 2.0 Companies Garner $262.3 Million in First Half of 2006, Gaining Ground in U.S. Venture Capital Investing

Web 2.0 Companies Garner $262.3 Million in First Half of 2006, Gaining Ground in U.S. Venture Capital Investing

WoW web2.0 is really a hot space. Read this article more from

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