Thursday, August 03, 2006


Calendar apps in the web 20 world

I am looking into the calendar space to see and track both the emerging players and the established players such as Yahoo, AOL and Google. I must say that I work for AOL and I shall try to provide an unbiased opinion on each of these applications including ofcourse AOL.

Checkout these startups and in my next entry I shall try to post a comparison chart

AirSet :
30 boxes :
spongecell :
Mosuki :
Kiko :

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Social Annotation: Seamless Integration of Social Bookmarking, Web Highlighter, Sticky-Note & Clipping

I discovered this cool app while I was browsing Yahoo's MyWeb. It sure looks cool to me to be able to annotate and highlight live web pages. Although I haven't played around with it much, a few questions arose in my mind as soon as I got my hands dirty.

Where are my private stick notes stored ? Is it all server based ?

What happens if the page changes ? For e.g. I set a sticky on I am guessing that this would disappear when the page changes...

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